"Be the change that you wish to see in the world." -Gandhi
In Reiki I, you will learn the history of Reiki and Self-Reiki principles. There is an in-depth discussion on the chakras, working with a pendulum and "tuning in" to energy. You will get attuned to Reiki which enables you to become a channel for this healing energy. Once attuned, you will be able to give Reiki to yourself and anyone else for the rest of your life. Come get “magic hands.” Receive attunement that enables you to channel the Reiki energy.
Prerequisite – receipt a of Reiki session
Begin a 21-day energetic cleanse that balances the chakras
Learn how to give Reiki treatment to yourself
Learn the history of Reiki
Learn how to ground, clear and protect your energy
Practice a self-Reiki session
Learn how to establish a self-Reiki practice that fits into your own life
Receive level I attunement

"The future depends on what we do in the present." -Gandhi
The focus is on opening the energy channels on a physical level. Healing others, long-distance healing and the Reiki symbols are introduced in level II. Reiki II teaches you to perform Distant or Absentee Reiki. This means that you are able to send Reiki to yourself and others through space and time, anywhere, whenever you choose to. This level is considered the practitioner level of Reiki, allowing you to start charging for your Reiki services.
Prerequisite – Reiki I
Receive level II attunement that enables you to channel even more Reiki energy
Begin a new 21-day energetic cleanse of the chakra system that results in transformation
Learn the level II Reiki symbols and how to use them
Learn how to perform distant Reiki
Learn new tools for in person Reiki sessions
Practice sending and receiving the Reiki through distant healing
Practice giving and receiving “hands on” Reiki sessions
Learn how to send the Reiki to your past traumas for healing

"In a gentle way you can shake the world." -Gandhi
In Level III you receive the Master attunement, along with the corresponding symbol. Becoming a Reiki Master represents a deep commitment to the Reiki practice. However, you do not have to commit to teaching Reiki. This level will increase the student’s capacity to channel the Universal Energy. By gaining the Master Symbol, you are allowed to work on a spiritual level and help contact your own inner truth, helping you go deeper in your own self healing as well as the healing of others. A commitment to the Reiki Community by attending shares and circles.
Prerequisite – Reiki II
Expand your energy and practice channeling even more energy
Learn a general heart opening attunement that can be used on anyone
Learn to offer a spiritual presentation
Learn how to clear spaces with Reiki
Go deeper into self healing and the healing of others with various innovate Energy Healing Techniques

"Where there is love there is life." -Gandhi
Learn to attune others to Reiki, to pass this gift of healing and transformation on! Let’s spread Reiki across the globe! With this teacher level attunement comes another layer of cleansing and the ability to channel even more of the Reiki energy. You will be taught and attuned to the Teacher Level Reiki Symbols and you will learn the ceremony that empowers you to pass on this energy and healing.
*Prerequisite- Reiki III